Wildflowers you can see this season in Westonia.

Hooded Orchid, Spider Orchid, Ant Orchid, Blue Fairy Orchid, Donkey Orchid & Pink Everlastings
Wildflower season in Westonia runs from August through to October every year. They are season reliant and it is always best to check when they are on show, before making the journey, as you could be disappointed. In the Shire of Westonia, you will find Pink and White carpets of Everlastings, many different varieties of Orchids such as Spider, Donkey, Ant, Hooded & fairy. You will also find spectacular flowering shrubs and trees throughout the wildflower season.
If you have any questions you can contact the shire on 9046 7063 or email library@westonia.wa.gov.au
To find out where and what is flowering this season please click on the link below.
Click here for the Westonia Wildflower Map