Bush Fire Services

Are you Bushfire Ready?

The Shire has four volunteer bush fire brigades and 13 fire control officers located throughout the Shire to respond to bush fires and to administer the Bush Fires Act.

Burning Permits

Burning is prohibited from 1 November to 14 February. Permits to burn are required during the restricted burning periods 16 September to 31 October and 15 February to 31 March. Permits can be obtained from your local bush fire control officer.

Before you call a Fire Control Officer, please ensure you have the following information;

  • Have your address ready
  • Have the contact numbers of the three able bodied persons that will be in attendance at all times whilst the fire is alight including contact phone number
  • What fire fighting equipment and resources will you have at the fire front and is it in good working order?
  • What is the size of burn to take place and are materials dry?
  • Are there firebreaks installed and maintained, and can a fire unit get access to the area?
  • What material are you burning? Are there any plastics, tyres, treated woods in the piles or area to be burnt? If so, remove them to a safe place. Remember that you can only burn vegetation.
  • Ensure 72 hours notice is given to the Fire Control Officer first.

Apply for a Burning Permit

Bush Fire information (click on this link): Bush fire Info 24/25

Campfire Information (click on this link) : Campfire Information

Fire Bans

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) declares Total Fire Bans. Visit their website at www.dfes.wa.gov.au for further information on Fire and Emergency Services.

Harvest, Vehicle Movement Bans

All persons within the Shire are required to comply with these bans under the provisions of the Bush Fires Act.

 A Harvest Ban requires the cessation of all harvesting operations within the Shire of Westonia.

  • A Vehicle Movement ban does not permit the movement of vehicles on properties within the Shire of Westonia except for the essential watering of stock in a diesel powered vehicle.

Harvest, Vehicle Movement Bans means;

  • The use of vehicles in paddocks is not permitted unless using a diesel vehicle for the purpose of watering and tending of livestock
  • Use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery in the area likely to cause a bush fire or contribute to the spread of a bush fire.

A Harvest Vehicle Movement  will be advertised on the Shire of Westonia Website.

Where possible on ABC Radio 531AM, Radio West 864 AM.

Ban updates can be obtained or via a free SMS service which is available upon request from the Shire of Westonia (08) 9046 7063 or click below

Register Online for the SMS service

Bush Fire Control Officers

In Case Of A Fire Emergency Phone 000

Bushfire Control Officers

Chief BFCO Frank Corsini 0429 467 042
Deputy CBFCO Michael Crook 0428 449 004
Westonia fire control officers
Captain Frank Corsini 0429 467 042
1st Lt Colin Lindley 0427 467 004
2nd Lt Brad Penny 0429 467 046
Walgoolan fire control officers
Captain Jason Wahlsten 0429 447 020
1st Lt Rohan Day 0438 447 014
2nd Lt Shaun Crees 0428 447 057
Warralakin fire control officers
Captain Michael Crook 0428 449 004
1st Lt Steve LeMoignan 0428 449 002
CEO Bill Price

0428 467 063

In case of a fire emergency phone 000.  For general enquiries please contact your local bush fire control officer or the Shire of Westonia on (08) 9046 7063.

Fire truck Dec 13