Burning Permit

Burning Permits will be required from Monday, 15 February 2021 until Wednesday, 31 March 2021, unless extended. Should these dates change, a notice will be published in the Westonian Newsletter and on the Shire's website.

Type of Burning
Please note the following:

Burn start date must be at least three working days from the application date (for example if you wish to burn on the weekend the application needs to be made on Wednesday or before). Burn End Date must be a maximum of 14 days from Start Date.

Please be advised that burning is not permitted on Sundays or public holidays.

Fire Control Officers are not obliged to issue permits and they may advise on alternatives to burning. Please remember Fire Control Officers are volunteers and their availability to issue permits may vary. Permits cannot be issued over the phone and should a Fire Control Officer refuse to issue a permit, it is a breach of the Bush Fires Act 1954 to request a permit from another Fire Control Officer.

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