Kerbside Refuse Collection Days within the Shire of Westonia
Avon Waste are contracted to undertake rubbish and recycling collections within the Shire of Westonia
Schedule for refuse collection days within the Shire of Westonia Household waste in 240L mobile garbage bins is collected from residents in the Westonia townsite every Thursday afternoon.
Should you have any queries relating to this matter please do not hesitate to contact the Shire of Westonia Administration Office on (08) 9046 7063.

Rubbish Tips
The Shire operates a registered rural landfill site on Leach Road near Westonia which also includes a waste oil disposal facility. Recycling cages for number one plastics, number two plastics and aluminium cans are also present at the landfill site. There is also a nearby site on Carrabin-Westonia Road which accepts green waste.
Council has recently negotiated with current waste contractor, Avon Waste to supply cardboard and Co-mingled bulk bins for the Town Recycling depot located behind the Shire Office (next to the Shade house). Access can be made by driving down the back lane.
6.0m3 Cardboard Only bin located at the Recycling Depot will be collected every four weeks.
4.5m3 Co-mingled bin located at the Recycling Depot will be collected every four weeks, a fortnight from when the cardboard is collected.
Items that may be placed in the Co-mingled recycle bin are:
NOT ALLOWED in the bins include:
· Cardboard
· Plastic Bags
· Aluminium & Steel Cans
· Lawn Clippings
· Liquid Paperboard Cartons
· Food Scraps
· Glass Bottles & Jars
· Newspaper, Magazines & Paper
· Polystyrene
· Nappies
· Plastic Bottles
Wheatbelt Cash for Containers
Spread the word about making the most of the Containers for Change scheme Westonia will be to participate in the exciting new kerbside recycling program that has commenced in the Westonia townsite.
Westonia townsite residential collection schedule 2025
Tuesday 14 January
Tuesday 11 February
Tuesday 11 march
Tuesday 15 April
Tuesday 13 May
Tuesday 17 June
Tuesday 15 July
Tuesday 12 August
Tuesday 16 September
Tuesday 14 October
Tuesday 18 November
Tuesday 16 December
Put Bin out by 8.30am on collection day please