Council adopt the Schedule of Fees and Charges within the Annual Budget and are effective from 1 July each year.

The Schedule covers all fees and charges that the Shire of Westonia charges users or applicants for e.g. facility bookings, building applications, planning and development applications, animal registrations etc.

Statutory fees that are imposed by other government agencies are subject to change without warning.

Instalment Administration Fee (per instalment) $12.00
Recovery of Dishonour Fees - Direct Debit  At Cost 
Recovery of Dishonour Fees - Cheques  At Cost 
Rate Enquiry Fees - Property Information Reports $88.00
Document / Building Plan Search Fee $77.00
Rate Book - full print out $150.00
Subscription to monthly agenda - per annum $275.00
Single monthly agenda $30.00
Subscription to monthly minutes - per annum $275.00
Single monthly minutes $30.00
Annual Report $30.00
Annual Financial Statements $30.00
Council Annual Budget $35.00
Electoral Rolls $130.00
Freedom of Information - Application $30.00
Freedom of Information - Administration / staff time $/hr $76.00
Freedom of Information - postage Cost Recovery plus 10%
Freedom of Information - photocopying per page $0.50
Hire of Council Chambers (hourly) Price on application and approved by CEO
Shire Staff Administration Support $/hr $66.00
A4 1 side $0.25
A4 2 side $0.30
A3 1 side $0.35
A3 2 side $0.40
A4 1 side Colour $1.00
A4 2 side Colour $1.50
A3 1 side Colour $2.00
A3 2 side Colour $3.00
page B/W ​$5.50
​¼ page Colour ​$7.50
​½ page B/W ​$11.00
​½ Colour ​$15.00
​Whole page B/W ​$22.00
​Whole page Colour ​$25.00
​Postal Subscription ​$25.00
10 - 15 Minutes  $3.00
15 - 30 Minutes ​ $5.00
30 - 60 Minutes $8.00