
Westonia has an unsealed airstrip located near to town which is regularly used by the visiting Royal Flying Doctor Service and others.

Airfield: Westonia
Abbreviation: YWSX
Latitude: 31-19-59.8787S (-31.3333) South
Longitude: 118-40-01.1993E (118.667) East
Magnetic Variation: 0.3 W
Type of Airfield: Unlicensed
Elevation: 1000ft
WAC Chart: 3351
Airfield Operator: Shire of Westonia
PO Box 11
Phone: (08) 9046 7063
Runway Information: 01/19 Gravel 1220m. 09/27 Gravel 910m
Lighting: Nil
Windsock: Yes
Landing Permission: Not Required

All enquiries regarding the use of Westonia Airstrip for take off and landing of aircraft should be directed to the Shire of Westonia Office.
PH: (08) 9046 7063 or

Prior to use and please see below the rules and information for the use of the Airstrip.

  • You must abide by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority rules;
  • There are no landing fees associated with the Westonia Airstrip;
  • Please do not park or leave your aircraft on the runway;
  • There is no re-fuelling available at the airstrip;
  • Agriculture planes are to use the parking area to the front of the building