Draft Master Plan - Westonia Recreational Precinct

Published on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 10:50:02 AM

The Recreational Precinct is integral to the civic heart of Westonia. The precinct is centrally located, and facilitates high connectivity with local businesses. The high visibility of the Recreational Precinct creates an opportunity to provide an attractive stopover for visitors, as well as value add to Westonia as a destination for the emerging daytrip and weekend tourism market. As a result, new spending in our local economy will be generated.

 Redeveloping the Recreational Precinct will form a key component of the Shire of Westonia’s response to supporting economic stimulus and recovery following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Adding elements to the area will increase the number of visitors who stop within the town centre, rather than ‘drive-through’.

 The redevelopment will also support and empower local businesses throughout the project’s lifecycle. Parks generate economic activity by creating jobs during and after construction. There are also opportunities to source and purchase materials locally, to build and maintain the space.

 In addition to the economic opportunities of the project, local families, children and young people will have access to a dynamic space for remaining physically active and socially engaged. Events facilitated by local community groups will be enhanced with new amenities, along with an improvement to existing facilities.

The overarching purpose of the project is to provide an improved space, that maximises the entire precinct and provides an accessible combination of elements to attract an increased level of visitation.


Master Plan

The Draft Master Plan shows a high level vision for the Precinct, as initial design idea. Following acceptance of the master plan, and subject to a successful grant submission, detailed design will commence to determine the specific elements and ‘look and feel’ of each space. The project can then be staged (if necessary) according to the level of resources available. Funding of the First Stage will be covered by LCIP (Covid Recovery) funding and Council resources, and should be completed by 30 June 2022.

CLICK HERE to see the Westonia Sport Precinct - Master Plan Design


Next Steps:

Complete consultation

Analyse feedback for Council consideration

Subject to broad support - initiate detailed design for the project

Commence construction



Council would like to hear your thoughts on the Master Plan, and your ideas about what other uses could be incorporated within the Recreational Precinct. We value all feedback and suggestions on the elements of the Plan and the key spaces identified. In particular, what you like and / or dislike. The closing date for submissions regarding this proposal is Friday 15 January 2021.


Draft Master Plan – for comment

The attached concept plan represents the initial design idea based on the creation of an accessible, attractive precinct, with activities for all ages. The final Concept Plan and resulting detailed design will reflect the community feedback about this amazing space.